Q: I don't have a lot of time for workouts, can this program accommodate that?

Absolutely! In fact, this program is IDEAL for you. With this program being all online, it gives you the freedom and flexibility to workout whenever & wherever you want. This program is completely customized to YOU. If you only have 30 minutes 3 days a week, we will create a plan to fit that.

Q:  Do you give out specific & in-depth meal plans? 

I am a huge fan of lifestyle sustainability and flexibility which is why I do not give you specific follow along meal plans. A specific follow along meal plan does not give you and freedom or flexibility to enjoy the foods you love in moderation. What my clients have had wild success with is simply just counting total daily calories and hitting a protein minimum goal. I will show you how to create a meal plan with the foods you love while also still being able to go out and enjoy Happy Hour with your friends. This approach is lifestyle sustainable and extremely flexible. 

Q: How do I apply for this program?

You can apply HERE

Q: With this being all online, what if I don't know how to do an exercise?

All of your workouts will be sent to you via an app & each exercise has a video demonstration of proper form. If you still don't feel like you are doing the movement correctly, you can send me a video of you doing the movement and I can coach you through it. 

Q: Do you sell workout guides?

I do! You can find the workout guides here