1-On-1 Online
Fitness Coaching

Fitness Is Freedom

I strongly believe FITNESS IS FREEDOM. Fitness gives you the freedom to live your life without any limitations. Fitness gives you the freedom to be your true, authentic, & confident self.

How can fitness be freedom to you? How could a lifestyle change give you more freedom?

Client Results

Sam's Progress
Josh's Progress
Noah's Progress
Angelo's Progress

What You Can Expect

Custom Nutrition Plan

A custom nutrition program designed for YOU based on YOUR attributes & goals. I am going to show you exactly how to structure a meal plan to be completely lifestyle sustainable. You will also receive a nutrition manual with a grocery list, supplement recommendation list, video resources, etc.

Custom Workout Plan

The workout workout program will be customized to YOU based on your experience level, equipment availability, past injuries, schedule, preferences, etc. This program is built to get you the results you're looking for. Your program will be delivered and housed on a state-of-the-art mobile app for an unmatched, simplified experience. This allows you to have the workout program in the palm of your hand wherever you go! This plan is updated monthly.


I am going to hold you accountable to the goals you set out for yourself when we start this program. We will have weekly check-ins and you will have 24/7 direct access and support from me. A research study found you are 95% more likely to achieve a goal when you have a specific accountability appointment (partner) with someone you've committed to. 95%!!

Lifestyle Tips

I am a firm believer in fitness being a part of your life not your entire life. I want you to enjoy life while still making progress towards your fitness goals.

I will also show you & give you resources on how to optimize yourself and your lifestyle. Everything from sleep, habits, alcohol, etc.


My name is Tim Helton and I help both men & women lose fat and build muscle! My passion & what gets me fired up is working with individuals to better their health and crush their fitness goals.

I was a Division I athlete all through college, but had absolutely no idea what a proper diet looked like (what the heck is a carb?). As you can see from the picture on the left, my body suffered from the lack of knowledge. I was working out daily, sometimes for 3+ hours, and still not getting the results I was hoping for. This is when I took a deep dive into learning about proper nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle habits.

After getting properly educated in all three areas, implementing practices into my own life, and getting certified as a personal trainer...I knew I wanted as many people as possible feel the way I felt - AMAZING.

I cannot wait to start this journey together and help you feel comfortable and confident in yourself!